
Let’s Play – Halo 4 – Infinity Slayer | Rooster Teeth

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The Achievement Hunter lads finally get to play Halo 4! Watch Geoff, Jack, Gavin, Michael, Ray and Ryan murder the crap out of …


Jon Benjamin - Jazz Daredevil - Also Sprach Zarathustra (Theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey)
Giant wind turbine blade brings Scottish town to standstill. #Shorts #GreenEnergy #Hawick #Scotland


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  1. This was my first AH video ever. At about this time I was watching only RvB and I don't remember where I had heard of them before, I think I may have seen a different video with one or two of the guys before this, but I vividly remember the experience of getting used to whose voice was whose while watching this. I was reminded of this video when I got a nostalgic feeling while watching their latest Halo Reach multiplayer video

  2. The needler in Halo 4 tracks its opponents or the enemies in campaign/spartan ops so strongly that the only way to evade the needles is to use thruster pack… moving side to side and jumping up left to right does nothing but evade 2-3 needles in total (the clip is 22)… that's hardly an efficient way of evading it, you need thruster pack.

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