
Happy Clock Day 2024!

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Happy Clock Day everyone! Today we’re celebrating 23 years since @StrawberryClock got B through the Portal.

The shock of B passing judgment gave rise to the Clock Crew and movies like this. 

Since then, B has been screened as part of an NG retrospective at the Animation Breakdown Festival in LA, the Ottawa International Animation Festival and the GLAS Animation Festival in Berkeley.

If you’ve made something to celebrate, be sure to tag it with ClockDay2024.

@Razur-Draws is hosting Summergrounds Showdown this month, where each day there’s an art prompt for a different character. Today’s theme is the Clock Crew, so you can both participate in Clock Day and Summergrounds by making clock art!

Thank you everyone keeps Clock Day going each year and thank you @StonesOfAnarchy for the Clock Day site skin!

If you’re curious, here’s every single Clock Day.

Other Site News

Last week we rolled out some big behind-the-scenes changes and you might have noticed strangeness in the days since, for example there were visible html tags in the author commentary for a bit there. The majority of the bugs have been resolved, with a few odds and ends still getting sorted out.

If you’ve tried adding a URL in your author commentary via the in-page commentary editor and it vanished instead of becoming a link / rich media link, that has been fixed for published projects but remains a bug in not-yet-published projects. Also there’s extra empty lines appearing between text.

Catch up on the Best of July!

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12. Miku's Best Friend
Happy Hour #21 - Rain Run | Rooster Teeth


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