WNBR, San Francisco, 2014

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World Naked Bike Ride in San Francisco, 14th June 2014. All photos by Leif Heilberg.

Jeff Wheeler invited us to World Naked Bike Ride – San Francisco’s event: 11th Annual World Naked Bike Ride – 2014 Northern Hemisphere Edition Pt. 1 Saturday, June 14, 2014, 10:30am – 5:30pm at Justin Herman Plaza.

Of course, the gathering at the Plaza itself finished a bit after 12 noon when the bicyclists did their circular tours of the plaza and then departed on the trip around the city.
About three dozen participant riders had shown up, and another two dozen spectators/snapshooters, several with 400mm lenses to get close-up images of the naked bodies. Those guys kept their own clothes on. In some cases one could easily see where their 400mm lenses were aimed.
The weather was gorgeous, with brilliant sunshine and blue skies, and the temperature was in the high 70’s, ideal for some nudity and bicycling. No cops showed up, no protests, all laid-back. A few artistic persons body painted other riders as well as themselves.
It ended up that a handful of the women became topless, something that in any case is perfectly legal in San Francisco. A couple of women remained dressed.
Of the men, a few were semi-nude, and another few dressed. All the remaining men rode nude on their bicycles.

Despite the lack of total nudity by any of the women – and two of the semi- had just panties on the bottom – the general atmosphere was one of contentment, and tourists smiled when the saw the WNBR contingent passing by.

Leif Heilberg, June 2014

All photographs taken by Leif Heilberg, Viking Photography Inc., [email protected]

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