
Gavins Land – Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures

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Thanks to ExpressVPN for sponsoring our channel http://expressvpn.com/rooster Gavin is very protective of his land. He can do …


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  1. It's super funny how the average American thinks they own their house, when in reality. 99% of people don't. They have no say about what is done with their property.

  2. This is just 5hem teasing Gavin cuz he's Gavin he's actually 100% correct it's a legal issue he's not a cop its not up to you to police your nabors

  3. Well the tire and aerosol argument doesn't work here cause gav already specified that it wasn't hurting passers-by and the fumes and chemicals would definitely hurt the earth and people nearby.

  4. Every time Gavin gets into an argument over ridiculous stuff like this, I see where he’s coming from, but he’s usually judtnwrong

  5. gavin is correct. unless its harming other people or you dont have an HOA/town ordinances that have to do with leaving waste (though almost always refers to large piles of waste and not single incidents of littering), its not illegal to litter on your own property. burning tires and aerosol cans has nothing to do with litter, it has to do with the clean air act, which does effect other people. the stacks of tires analogy, yet again, has to do with ordinances, which alot of towns like mine dont have. so i could make a fence out of used tires right up to the property line, just as long as they dont fall.

  6. For some one who live in the California I can sadly day yes it sucks but gavin is right my mother bought a new place away from us and her next door neighbor literally has piles of wood and shit reaching the roof it sucks because she has to live next door but hey cute cats running around and sunbathing

  7. That's absolutely not how the law works lol

    If you are a land owner, you are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of that land. If you fail to maintain it to a decent standard, the local authorities absolutely can sanction you.

    Now, what constitutes a "decent standard" is pretty broad. You're not going to get a citation for not cutting the grass or it being messy, but if you're literally stacking trash on it or constructing things that are not up to code, then yes, they can take legal action.

  8. Yeah, Gavin is right. Trash littering your yard should be considered legal so long as it is confined to your own property, isn't physically injuring people within a few feet of that property line, and isn't breaking more serious laws due to immediate harm of the environment beyond your property line or people within a fifty mile radius of your property line (i.e. burning tires and aerosol cans).

  9. I guess Gavin never thought about the results of piles of trash: pests. Rats and mice, roaches, flies, etc. They can cause a lot of damage and are health risks, rats and mice especially. Hantavirus IS a thing. And raccoons and bears like to get all up in that crud to see what they can find.

  10. As usual, Gavin is completely right, but his thought process is completely de-railed by the other RT people dog-piling on him as a result of his poor communication skills. I'm probably the minority on this one, but this tendency that RT has causes me to have less of a desire to engage with RT's content. As someone who struggles with poor communication skills, I find this sort of thing distasteful.