
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures – The Battle Of Bull Creek

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Family Lineage stories! No one was related to royalty, but Jack’s great-grandfather killed a wild bull one time. So that’s cool.


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  1. Apparently in my families history, my grandfather (mom’s dad) was apparently a descendant of a Hungarian king. My sister found out about that, and when everyone told him, his only response was just a casual “huh, we’ll how about that”
    Apparently my family is also descended from Charlemagne.

  2. I'm apparently descended from a couple of Americas first serial killers on my dads side and my moms side is distantly related to some well known Italian bell makers.

  3. I am descended from Henry II. So I am also descended from the kings before him to, including Alfred and Edward from The Last Kingdom TV show. I am also descended from John, the bad guy in Robin Hood. And Rollo from Vikings.

  4. I have been told a few times by my dad that a great-relative in my family fought at the Alamo during the Texan revolution and helped capture Santa Ana. Apparently, their name is in the book (I think it’s a book. I’ve only been to the Alamo once, so correct me if I’m wrong.) that lists the names of every American (again, I might be wrong) that fought at the Alamo.

  5. Since most are talking about interesting story’s from our liniage I think I have y’all beat my ancest William warrington was one of general Washington’s body guard during valley forge and he even save his life by arresting a close friend that was trying to poison the general , he also lived to the age 99 if ya don’t believe me look up mill creak cemetery and go from thier

  6. My mom recently did one of those ancestry DNA tests and it said that one our ancestors was one of Colombus's Conquistadors. Which is pretty cool.