
Dental Distress – Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures

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Thanks to ExpressVPN for sponsoring our channel http://expressvpn.com/rooster Gus and Gavin share some super fun stories of …


How to Make a Cop Blush
Don't Let Go


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  1. The same happened to me, except it was about the eye doctor, turns out it was genetic the problem, and i got it from my dad's side also due to it being genetic, i was gonna wear glasses no matter what i did, and i have to come back in 6 months to pivck up my glasses and drops

  2. Well, I'm pretty sure I've got tooth decay… if I had to guess, I would say it's on at least 8 of my upper teeth. On top of that I might as well get my wisdom teeth removed as I can't really reach them with anything other than a toothbrush. (I know how ironic it is for me to say that) but my point is: don't rely on free food at work- especially when it's the same shit over and over again when you're there for 3 weeks at a time like my job. That, and don't wait until your teeth are fucked to start caring about them. I'm barely even 23 and now I need work on not 4… but 12 of my teeth. It's gonna be a fun time when that comes. At least a month or 2 of recovery, and spending the rest of my life cutting back on the shit I loved to eat and drink.

  3. Ah, dentist nightmare stories, just the recommendation for me.. currently having my wisdom's tooth doing a medieval butchers surgery on my gums for about a week. With painkillers not really doing anything.

  4. Has anybody ever had a good experience at the orthodontist? Whenever I had to get new wires my lady would use all her freaking strength to open and close the thingies, it was like she was smashing my teeth with a hammer. I thought this was just how it was until one day I go in and different lady is there and she's like, "I'm sorry your main lady wasn't here today, but she'll be back next visit." and proceeded to be so gentle. And I'm like, "NO PLEASE can you stay forever!?" She did not.

  5. all orthodontists are sadists, no question. when getting invisalign, you have that stupid molding goo and it ALWAYS goes in the back of your throat to the point of gagging/choking and you’re like “i need to sit up” but they’re like NO LAY DOWN. like wtf, i don’t see how sitting up will mess up the mold, i need to BREATHE

  6. When I was in bootcamp the dental assistant had no idea what she was doing. All I'd hear is "no that's not right" and then she'd call for the actual dentist to come in to fix what she did.

  7. Hated that goop back in middle school. Always tasted funky. Unfortunately I had to get braces a second time recently. On the bright side, they no longer use the goop for the molds. Now they have a machine that scans your teeth via a toothbrush-like device, and those scans are uploaded in real time to a monitor. The end result is a virtual, 3D model of your teeth that the dentist can use for reference. No yucky goop required.

  8. Earlier this year, I had two teeth removed. One was a broken tooth connected the nerve which caused me a lot of pain and the wisdom tooth next. I slept great the day I got them removed

  9. It's a pain to find a dentist to put me to sleep for a cleaning but one too many painful mean dentists have me scared way too much, I used to be okay with it and now I'm terrified, why does this have to be so scary