
Covid Dreamin – Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures

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Stressed during these challenging times? You’re not alone! The gang talks about their stress dreams. Join FIRST to watch …


Hot Air Balloon Crashes Into Building
Police Officer Pulls Over a Dog


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  1. In your dream of an empty black void you find one piece of paper that reads the following: due to health concerns over COVID19 your dream has been cancelled. Or alternatively; your dream will be allowed to continue provided all dream participants remain 6 feet apart at all times and observe proper PPE wearing procedures. Thank you 2020.😐

  2. Oh my god I've had snake dreams and I am SCARED of snakes so even if I can control my self in my dream I don't take chances I just start freaking out jump and everything it's gets really scary 😂😂😂😂

  3. Even as a child, i didn't breathe in while people walked past, mostly because i don't like smelling other people, but then it turned into a habit. It might be an ocd/tourettes thing though. But now I really don't breathe while walking around people.

  4. dark void dreams are fun! had one where I put a hand to the wall, sunk through, and the only thing on the other side was a writhing, semi-fluid void of pitch-black nothing that swallowed me up. it was dope as hell ngl

  5. The grocery store snake dodging dream I have had something like that before on two different occasions one of which was when I was dreaming about my own house but it was filled with many different species of exotic bug that I was trying to step around and Dodge and another time was a different house and it was full of snakes

  6. A really odd situation happened with me, normally I don't dream but when I do and I vaguely remember them I always get a feeling of deja vu. Take example this situation. Months ago and I do mean months ago I remembered a dream being in a discord call with friends and streaming something, I didn't remember anything else but this clown that had a very powerful laugh and told bad jokes. Fast forward to months later and my friend wants to play a game called "Ace Attorney" and have us do voices, its the 2nd game and its fun so we start doing it more. We get to the 2nd case of the 2nd game and we meet "Moe the Clown" and my friend is the one who voices him and his laugh and its the exact same situation. I told my friends and they freaked out. Especially when it happened again later just not with Ace Attorney but in a D&D campaign. Personally I feel robbed that if I am having visions as dreams I'm only remembering this kind of stuff!

  7. I had a dream about snakes as well! I was outside and they just showed up, all different kinds all around me. I went to step over one to get out and realized it was bright colors, so I stepped back and a large snake bit onto my calf. I couldn’t get it off, didn’t know if it was poisonous, and I was alone. I’m not even terrified of snakes. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I sure woke up panicked. 🤣🤣

  8. The Meaning of Snake Dreams
    Snakes commonly symbolize fear or transformation. Dreaming of a snake is a sign that you are afraid of something in your waking life, or it could be a forewarning of changes to come
    This what snakes mean in a dream

  9. I've never had the void dream but I've had weird momments where it feels like i just kinda zone out when trying to sleep and hour pass in an instant

  10. I totally had Gus's dream of going somewhere and not having a mask as well has trying to get out of a crowded place as fast as possible while doing the 6ft apart thing. I also glad I'm not the only one who just has the problem of going to bed, dreaming of blackness, then I wake up. I never thought of it as a loading screen that never fills on some nights.

  11. I rarely get dreams, but I’m a big day dreamer so I make up for it in the day 🤣.
    When I go to sleep all I see is blackness then light from my window